“Open School”: Tribe Educates Who Wants to Become a Teacher
ducational Innovation, Horizontality, Responsibility of Students, Practice–University DialogueAbstract
Even today, in the XXI century, the danger of “academic verbiage” is still present in university. The Educational Innovation Group «Shaking Lives», formed by teachers who belong to Department of Education of the UJI, proposes actions to overcome such verbiage. Focused in this goal it designs, conducts and evaluates an innovative project that takes advantage of personal and social experience of various actors of the educational system. Through the report of practical experiences and the subsequent dialogue it aims to achieve a more direct, practical, intuitive and with a greater burden of affection, of what constitutes today the task of teaching in public schools. The project assumes that only developing an approach based on interdisciplinary reflection, horizontality, cooperative work and confidence in the students' responsibility regarding their own initial training, we can get their awareness of the transformative task expected today in progressive education. The paper describes the background and conceptual foundations of the project, its different stages of development, results achieved and the implications socioeducational posed.
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