Relations of the Integral Beeing in the Organizational Environment
Spiritual Capital, Solidarity, Social TeamAbstract
The objective is to identify the relationship of managers and employees the forms of recognition of Spiritual Capital as part of the integral being in the workplace. Thus, we described the spiritual evolution of man through the ages, we discuss theories about the whole being, identify and analyze the values that constitute the Spiritual Capital, showing its relevance in the business environment in two ways: the reflections generated by the formation of a team spirit high, and the values and principles that guide the actions of managers and employees. The research is characterized as qualitative descriptive exploratory design, whose basis was made by the literature review. The case study was conducted at the Agency for Post Franchised Rua Grande, located in São Leopoldo / RS. We used the methodology of content analysis, using the technique of speech analysis performed by guiding tours of interviews with two managers and a non-probability sample of ten employees. In the analyzed company, identified as a factor of greater relevance to management integration with your staff, creating involvement and complicity in the team. Leaders seek personal satisfaction and professional staff as well as realize the extent of the social issues of particular employees by making the work environment supportive. The methodology applied by management contributes to the formation of the integral, since it gives employees freedom of action, stimulating their potential and enhancing their qualifications. The agency has an integrated team, strengthened by the values and purposes guiding spirituality.
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