Business Narrative as a Tool to Explore the Complexities of Management: the case of Satya Nadella


  • Carmen Ruiz Viñals Universitat Abat Oliba CEU



Business narrative, Storytelling, Study of cases, Leadership, Innovation, Empathy


Business narrative, in the form of books or texts in other supports is a very powerful training tool. We refer to business people written experiences of the professional life, or proposals of management improvement based on real situations. Both are a training tool that is not used enough in the educational programs of Business Management, currently. Their knowledge and discussion in class, with diverse approaches, from the presentation prepared by students, to the discussion based on the case methodology, represents a qualitative leap in business people education. Particularly for a future economy that is more inclusive, efficient and generates higher levels of Social Welfare.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Viñals, C. (2019). Business Narrative as a Tool to Explore the Complexities of Management: the case of Satya Nadella. SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 7(3), 157–163.



Research articles