Forgotten Effects and Development on a Human Scale, an Alternative Proposal for the Evaluation of Development Plans - Case: USME (Bogotá) 2013-2016
Development Plan, Human Scale, Forgotten Effects, Satisfactory, Complexity, Incentive, Behavior, Public PolicyAbstract
Between 2012 and 2016, the Mayor's Office of Bogotá, Colombia, executed a Development Plan (PD) called “Bogotá Humana”. In order to alternatively evaluate the incidences of this PD and that local phenomena with high degrees of complexity were not deformed, simplified or separated from reality, the proposal of Development on a Human Scale, was used together with the alternative of identification of Forgotten Effects. Obtaining in this evaluation, routes with probabilities of occurrence of forgotten effects on fundamental basic human needs greater than 8%. The existence of synergy was demonstrated, by presenting characteristics of multiple incidence.
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