How Athletes Understand the Impact of Sports on their Psychosocial Development, the Problems they face and the Support they Need: a Qualitative Research Analysis


  • Maria Georgiou University of Nicosia
  • Costas S Constantinou University of Nicosia Medical School
  • Manos Stefanakis University of Nicosia
  • Efthimis Kioumourtzoglou University of Nicosia



athletes’ experiences, athletes-centered model, qualitative research


There is evidence to suggest that athletes face multiple challenges during their career from injuries, to pressure from parents, competition, lack of support and so forth. A psychologist is important for helping the athlete overcome individual difficulties and succeed. This study is focusing on understanding the role of sports on athletes’ psychosocial development, the challenges they face and the psychological support they need from the athletes’ perspective. Through a qualitative research analysis, this study shows that a psychologist can have an overarching role and support not only the athlete but also the athletes’ environment such as the coach, parents and teachers. Reflecting this finding, an athlete-centred model is proposed.


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How to Cite

Georgiou, M. ., S Constantinou, C., Stefanakis, M. ., & Kioumourtzoglou, E. . (2021). How Athletes Understand the Impact of Sports on their Psychosocial Development, the Problems they face and the Support they Need: a Qualitative Research Analysis. SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 9(3), pp. 235–246.



Research articles