Classic and Popular Music Economy Trends and their Contribution on Social Consciousness


  • Kristina Ester Balzhyk University of Vienna



Current Economical State of Musical Industry, Popular and Classical Music, Cultural and Financial , Value of Music, Society, High and Mass Culture, Social Music Value


The rise of the subscription services usage as one of the main tools of music consumption, vigorously changed the dynamic of the relationship between the major music corporations and music consumers. Our main emphasis is to consider both popular and classical music industries, the future and reality under the circumstances of the emerging subscription services. The economical aspect of the music industry during the latest years come into clarification for both classical and mainstream. The purpose of this study is to reveal the complete ‘circle’ of the process starting from promotion and distribution to the final stage where we discover how the product influences our society in a global scale.


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How to Cite

Balzhyk, K. E. (2021). Classic and Popular Music Economy Trends and their Contribution on Social Consciousness . SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 10(3), pp. 249–263.



Research articles