The Role of British Legislations and the Working Class Movement in Bombay: A Historical Study of the Factory Acts of 1881 and 1891 in India.


  • Avkash Daulatrao Jadhav University of Mumbai, St. Xavier's College, Department of History, Mumbai. India



Factory Acts 1881, Factory Acts 1891, working class movement in Bombay, Labour legislation in India.


India has been a country to raise inquisitiveness from ancient times. The era of colonialism in India unfolds many dimensions of struggle by the natives and the attempts of travesty by the imperialist powers. This paper will focus on the two landmark legislation of the end of the 19th century specifically pertaining to the labour conditions in India. The changing paradigms of the urban and rural labour underwent a phenomenal change by the mid 19th century. The characteristic which distinguishes the modern period in world history from all past periods is the fact of economic growth.



Author Biography

Avkash Daulatrao Jadhav, University of Mumbai, St. Xavier's College, Department of History, Mumbai. India

Associate Professor , Department of History.


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How to Cite

Jadhav, A. D. (2019). The Role of British Legislations and the Working Class Movement in Bombay: A Historical Study of the Factory Acts of 1881 and 1891 in India. SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 1, 1–10.