Sustainable Philosophy in Times of Uprooting
For a Return to the Original Land as a Promise of the Future to the Others to Come
Earth, Proximity, Other, Future, Roots, Uprooting, SerenityAbstract
Our objective will be to reflect on the idea of rootedness by referring to authors as relevant as Heidegger or P. Sloterdijk. The meaning of human existence needs the depth of the earth. The essence of rootlessness lies in the fact of becoming a stranger to the homeland. We are going to reflect on the technique as a possible cause of current uprooting. Rootedness will be defined as the possibility of being close-to: close-to-oneself, close-to-the-Other, close-to-the-Earth, close-to-the-future, and close-to-death. This proximity could be recovered to the extent that we are able to rediscover the meaning of things.
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