Interior Space and Domestic Group among Middle Class Dwellings of Mexico City
Middle Class Urban Housing, Domestic Interior Space, Urban Lifestyle, Mexico D.F. HousingAbstract
This study proposes an analysis of the home interior from a sociological perspective, investigating the changes that occur inside the home as a result of certain social changes in the Benito Juarez district of Mexico City, largely populated by middle class, and linking data from a qualitative study with a theoretical framework, that, regarding the issue of interior space, is relatively recent and has been built from many diverse disciplines. Through the analysis of the evolution of sociodemographic profiles of the population and housing experiences in this part of town, I intend to highlight the existence of new forms of contemporary domesticity, consumption, leisure and living practices that no longer respond to model of the traditional bourgeois house, but to patterns of urban life in which the symbolic experience of the home is adapted to a particular spatial and economic reality. I propose the ideal type, the "relaxed home", in order to better understand the urban lifestyle that has replaced the suburban lifestyle.
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