Shadows in Imaginary Hyperreal. A Review of the Visual Communication and Art History from Visual Studies
Visual Communication, Aesthetics, Art, Visual Studies, Social Media, ImageAbstract
The categories of thought on the resources of the visual image and the mass media, are being developed in a cross from the mid-sixties. After poststructuralism and postmodernism has generated a need that is not superficial and that responds to widespread debate on visual communication and its epistemological value. The new communication paradigm is experienced as a construcción superimposed layers in which aesthetics, art, media and information are built around hybrid and complex rhetoric, a forum for interchange that from the technical reproducibility of modernity, has do swapping in a binary framework overflowing. The relevant social, economic and policy of this new territory is one of the areas of operation and expansion of the critical section and is around Visual Studies which has produced such mainstreaming. The visual display is contemporary border and in this scientific paper is specifically the need for a shift in thinking about art historicist revision in relation to visual communication.
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