Opinion and Political Obedience from Building of Culture


  • Carlos Montufar Universidad de Otavalo




Public Opinion, Democratic Culture, Politic


Technology has an effective use in these political ends. The indiscriminate application of information technology in the promotion of commercial, political and ethical issues over the multiplicity of transverse division have been a subject of public opinion reaching the media confusion; state of obedient listening to the mainstream as a basic element of democratic culture. The human subject embedded in the superficiality of quickly reaching the scene of the decisions without convictions, so the post democracy could come into (dis)democracy.Politics must be involved in politics in order to become socially visible, which includes promoting one´s own political view among people. Therefore, public opinion is necessary to legitimize emotional and cognitively the decision has taken. Its function is to provide legitimacy to power and exercising positions of governances, but primarily organizing control over a human community, particularly a state. While the public opinion is more divided field of view, and more lower strength of political positioning may acquire.

Author Biography

Carlos Montufar, Universidad de Otavalo

Profesor investigador tiempo completo Universidad de Otavalo - Ecuador. Médico y periodista. Especializado en Salud Pública Internacional e Historia de Religiones en la Universidad Católica de Louvain-La-Neuve. Bélgica. PhD en Antropología Cognitiva en Atlantic International University de los Estados Unidos.


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How to Cite

Montufar, C. (2016). Opinion and Political Obedience from Building of Culture. SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 5(1), 221–228. https://doi.org/10.37467/gka-revsocial.v5.382



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