The Nucleus of Support for Family Health (NASF) and Social service: a Mimetic Relationship?
SNFH, Social Work, Health ResearchAbstract
The Support Nucleus for Family Health (SNFH), established in 2008 is a strategic tool to support and expansion of the Family Health Strategy and consequently the Primary Health Atention or Primary Attention. It is known that is in the PHA universe that happen all possible situations that focus on health / disease processes. It is in this life and in space every day, in different communities, and expressing in the form of symptoms, pain, complaints, pain, or regrets the most diverse that materialize the most dramatic and rich expressions of social issues that are designed and understood as health requirements. This article comes to studies and research on SNFH and its importance as a device in the current configuration of health policy and as a research subject for a group of researchers linked to a post-graduate program in Social Work at the Catholic University / PUCRS . The team of this article, for more than a decade, centers his research on health policy, particularly in the intersectionality between social policies and, more recently, the SNFH. Thicken the studies on this topic is both ethical responsibility for the qualification of a social policy of universal character as to qualify the occupational space, where the social worker has done his professional practice. Therefore, studies on the SNFH can also be studies on the profession, work process and the responsibilities of professional social workers in practices that are in line with the Brazilian Health Policy and the information of the Political Ethics Project of Social Work. This paper reflects on the relationship between the Support Nucleus for Family Health and Social Work and alert to the risk of establishing a mimetic relationship between SNFH & Social Work, with diffuse boundaries, dilution goals and roles, and the indication of the research as a way to build knowledge and qualify this relationship. It is reiterated that the research conducted by the social worker has to be in line with the Professional Project with the principles of the Brazilian Health System and the Health Reform, as well as the inclusion of this person in SNFH.
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