The Circumstances in Action: Institutionalization, Accommodation and Resistance in to Patriarchal Capitalism
Interaction, Gender, Subject, Capitalism, PatriarchyAbstract
The purpose of this paper is a theoretical discussion of the institutional dimension of patriarchal capitalist production relations. We argue why we can understand the relations of production and institutional circumstances involved in the engagement of the courses of action of the subjects, individual and collective. Circumstances 'in' action. For this we address three closely related issues. (1) The first concerns what we mean by circumstances and especially 'not choose circumstance'. The notion of ' institutionalization ' and ' disciplinary device ' is going to be useful for this purpose. (2) The second, what relationship does the notion of circumstance we use with the social interaction. The notion of ' accommodation ' will help us in this regard. (3) Third, what is the relationship between the established interaction dimension and practices of resistance? We propose a concept of the instituted as a disciplinary device that shapes our social interactions, and apply it constantly. We say disciplinary device because institutionalized power relations. That act of discipline configures the humans and his acts but, at the same time, enable them for resistance and transformation. In this sense the power relations that we establish in the production of our life and they are addressed, in patriarchal capitalism, to the appropriation of surplus and of the social practices that oppose it.
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