Social Agroforestry for Carbon Sequestration in Chiapas: beyond Economic Incentive
Agroforestry, Payments for Environmental Services, Indigenous Peasants, Adoption, AppropriationAbstract
This study employs an ethnographic approach to the experience of indigenous peasants in Chiapas, Mexico, participating in a project of payments for environmental services for the purpose of ecological restoration and reforestation, The Scolel-Té project, which pioneered the establishment of agroforestry plots to capture carbon. The objective is to understand what role the economic incentive plays in the permanence or the abandonment of the practice of planting trees in the milpa system from the rationality of the peasants. By applying in-depth interviews with indigenous farmers in four project areas and at different stages of establishment of agroforestry systems, we explore the acquired knowledge of the peasants; attitudes towards environmental change in their territories; amendments to its productive system as a result of tree planting strategies; the motivations for participating in the project and the integration of agroforestry practices after completion of the payment; and how producers value their experience. We conclude that the initial adoption of the practice of planting trees in farmer agricultural plots is high and is strongly driven by the payment for carbon sequestration. However, the integration of agroforestry practices detached from an economic incentive is weak.
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