Entrepreneur Women in the Use of Web 2.0: Speeches of a Prelude
Entrepreneur Women, Online Social Network as Interactive, Self- Inclusion, ICTAbstract
This paper presents the main results of an investigation whose purpose is to investigate the adoption of on-line social networks in SMEs run by women. The base assumption is that the use of networks as a strategic communication element is still at an early stage of development, far from being an established practice. Our interest in this study is to determine the willingness and motivations of entrepreneurs in using these networks, as well as utilities and difficulties they have faced. Our goal is to visualize the change of attitude and competences that entrepreneurs are imprinting on their businesses within the competitive environment they operate in. Ultimately, we are interested in studying the perception of women-entrepreneurs regarding the adoption of online social networks to the extent where they are, as an additional management tool. We find ourselves facing a new field of knowledge on which there are very few references and very little research has been carried. Hence, this study has a primarily qualitative and exploratory purpose. To obtain the needed information we held semi-structured interviews to fourteen Andalusian entrepreneurs, coming from different business fields. The main findings were that just less than a half of them used them, or implemented them in their companies, as communication tools. The others, depending on to the size of their business, adopted them as an extension of the personal use in which they had been started.
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