Watching tutorial Videos at home; doing homeworks at the classroom: Maths with "Flipped Classroom"
Flipped Classroom, Tutorial Videos, E-learningAbstract
A technological socio-cultural context, an inclusive school, and a constructivist general hypothesis, prompted us to investigate qualitatively an innovative teaching methodology, FLIPPED CLASSROOM (Sams and Bergmann, 2012): students access the content at home with tutorial videos while tasks are developed in the classroom. We applied the Flipped Classroom at the unit "functions" of Math to 176 students of sixteen years old from a school in Barcelona. The results so far show that this method enhances the interaction between teacher and students and this allows for more personalized instruction, while a collaborative work environment, where peer tutoring emerges spontaneously generated. This has led us to consider the possibility of implementing this methodology at the institutional level and make it available in the aerea of mathematics.
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