Through the Eyes of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders


  • M.Isabel Gómez-León Universidad Internacional de La Rioja



Autism Spectrum Disorders, Visual Perception, Development, Neural Connections, Attention


The latest findings in neuroscience show that the brain of the child with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) deviates from the typical development path since the prenatal period. We know that the mutation of certain genes alters the maturational trajectory of synaptic connections during early development, a period of maximum vulnerability in which the formation of neuronal circuits is highly plastic and depends on both genetic and environmental factors. A better understanding of the neurobiological bases of ASD will draw bridges, until recently insurmountable, between neuronal circuits and atypical behaviors in the classroom. In addition, it will allow us to better explore which are the critical periods of development where the intervention, both clinical and educational, in the child with ASD may be more effective.

Author Biography

M.Isabel Gómez-León, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Docente en el departamento de psicobiología de la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija y Universidad Camilo José Cela.


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How to Cite

Gómez-León, M. (2019). Through the Eyes of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 7(1), 11–22.



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