Learning Genetics in High School can be a Game: Gymkhana as a Learning Tool


  • Anna Borrull Riera Universitat Rovira y Virgili
  • Cristina Valls Bautista Universitat Rovira i Virgili




Genetics, Game, Gymkhana, Motivation, Secondary school


Some studies have verified that the use of innovative methodologies increase motivation and interest to science. Promoting the cooperative and competitive learning to achieve a significant knowledge, and to motivate students. The activity presented has as a main objective to consolidate contents from genetic by means as a gymkhana. The contents treated are the replication process, the transcription process, the translation process and in general the hold flux of genetic information. This activity has been carried on with secondary school students and we observe a good acceptance and implication from teachers and students.


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How to Cite

Borrull Riera, A., & Valls Bautista, C. (2020). Learning Genetics in High School can be a Game: Gymkhana as a Learning Tool. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 8(3), pp. 181–193. https://doi.org/10.37467/gka-revedu.v8.2560



Research articles