Learning in Collaborative Work

Co-Evaluation through Collaborative Review


  • Cándida Filgueira Arias Universidad CEU San Pablo
  • Karim Gherab Martin Universidad Rey Juan Carlos




Peer Assessment, Peer Review, Collaborative Work, Self-Assessment, Technologies for Education


This article argues that peer feedback with evaluation criteria clearly defined by the teacher is more effective than the traditional model. This evaluation goes beyond the vertically oriented assessment (teacher-student), since it enriches the former by adding a peer review process, namely, an horizontally oriented assessment (student-student). The action of evaluating peers makes the students think more critically about their own texts, put themselves in the place of the other, such as the person who will evaluate them, thus enriching their cognitive (meta-cognition) scenario.


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How to Cite

Filgueira Arias, C., & Gherab Martin, K. (2020). Learning in Collaborative Work: Co-Evaluation through Collaborative Review. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 8(3), pp. 135–141. https://doi.org/10.37467/gka-revedu.v8.2702



Research articles