Financial education in the skills development of university students


  • Ana León-Gómez Universidad de Málaga
  • Francisca García-Lopera Universidad de Málaga
  • Mercedes Raquel García-Revilla Universidad a Distancia de Madrid
  • David Alaminos-Aguilera Universidad Pontificia de Comillas



Financial education, Entrepreneurial initiative, Social inclusion, Financial inclusion, Descriptive analysis, University students, Honduras


This paper identifies how financial education affects entrepreneurial intention, social and financial inclusion in Honduras. We have applied a descriptive analysis with a cross-sectional and retrospective approach. First, our results affirm that financial education significantly increases the development of students' skills to promote entrepreneurial intention. They also show that the gender gap is one of the main causes of labour exclusion. Finally, we show that the promotion of financial education among students leads to greater financial autonomy to face any type of economic decision.


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How to Cite

León-Gómez, A., García-Lopera, F., García-Revilla, M. R., & Alaminos-Aguilera, D. (2021). Financial education in the skills development of university students . EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 9(2), pp. 117–131.



Research articles