Teaching Interactive Didactic Design Focused on Interactive Museography





Education, Interactivity, Design, Museography


The Interactive Didactic Design Method Generating Complex Narratives (DDINC), is a doctoral thesis dissertation published by the UANL, shows a structured procedure in various disciplines necessary to create didactic-interactive tools applicable in various educational environments. Based on this theory, the 2017 program of the Interactive Museography subject taught at the Universidad del Valle de México was updated, implementing the didactic structure proposed by the DDINC Method. The student was led through a process of theoretical foundation of various topics of industrial, interactive, narrative and educational design. The integrating product of each partial delivery reflects the progress and evolution of its proposals.


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How to Cite

Silva Gonzalez, M. M. M. (2022). Teaching Interactive Didactic Design Focused on Interactive Museography . EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 10(4), 429–444. https://doi.org/10.37467/revedu.v10.3424



Critical reflection articles