Construction and Validation of Instruments for the Measurement of the Influence of the Emotions in Significant Learning


  • Patricio Pacheco Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana



Instruments of Measurement, Reliability, Validity, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Cronbach's Index Alpha


This paper presents an analysis of the reliability and validity of measurement instruments developed and used to indicate the presence of specific behaviors, in time, students in teams that performed experimental activities in a physics lab. These behaviors are included in the fundamental dimensionalities of this study X = inquiry / Persuasion associated with use of scientific instrumentation and information technology and computing, and = positivity / negativity related to emotional fields and Z = information internal / external information referred to the master class of the teacher and the use of didactic material. These dimensionalities are inter-related to evolve according to a model of nonlinear dynamic that gives account of the influence of the emotional field in the process. Through the Pearson coefficient of correlation and the index Cronbach's alpha is confirmed the validity and reliability of the instruments.


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How to Cite

Pacheco, P. (2015). Construction and Validation of Instruments for the Measurement of the Influence of the Emotions in Significant Learning. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 3(1).



Research articles