Changing Roles in School and Incidence Transforming in the Context through Methodology of Integrated Projects


  • Maria Mercedes Blanchard Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Maria Dolores Muzás Rubio Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Contextualization, Innovation, Student Active Protagonist, Professor Mediator, ction Research, ooperative Work, Integrated Projects, Situated Training


In this article, we present an innovation project involving more than 200 teachers in Infant, Primary and Secondary Education at schools in the Republic of El Salvador, which caused strategies and instruments to be reflected upon, trained and designed, and integrated projects to be set in motion. This innovative initiative promoted a change in the role of teachers toward a function as mediator, and the role of students, transforming them into active researchers and protagonists of their learning process. Similarly, the innovative action boosted participants’ social commitment to bringing about a transformation in the relevant contexts. Aware that the key to changing the educational model are teaching staff in a mediator or learning facilitator role, a process was implemented in which teachers were given advisory and monitoring support in each of its phases. The process was based on analysis and self-reflection on the teacher’s working method, taking into account the specific requirements in each different context and students’ interests and motivations. The results showed satisfaction on behalf of the teachers, and a student body engaged in their own learning process and social contexts. The consequences of this work led to changes in the Salvadoran educational model.


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How to Cite

Blanchard, M. M., & Muzás Rubio, M. D. (2015). Changing Roles in School and Incidence Transforming in the Context through Methodology of Integrated Projects. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 3(1).



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