The Measurement and Identification of Values: Complementarity between Schwartz and Hall-Tonna Model


  • Oihane Korres Universidad de Deusto
  • Itziar Elexpuru Albizuri Universidad de Deusto



Values, Education, Schwartz, Hall-Tonna


The new socioeconomic and cultural paradigm has brought a social discussion about the existence and transmission of human values. This concern has impacted on educational systems, where the social responsibility of education to encourage on young people values to promote a more just, equitable and tolerant world is highlighted. The aim of this paper is to analyze the possible complementarity between the models developed by Schwartz and Hall-Tonna for the measurement and the development of values. Both models provide a solid theoretical basis to work with values in education and, at the same time, there are empirical evidences that remark the contribution of these models in to the identification and development of values. Both models are described and instruments designed to identify values are analyzed comparing the similarities and differences between them to explore their interrelationship and practical application. The interaction between the two models could bring an approximation to the values from a mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative), providing tools to recognize and work individual and group values in educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Korres, O., & Elexpuru Albizuri, I. (2015). The Measurement and Identification of Values: Complementarity between Schwartz and Hall-Tonna Model. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 3(1).



Research articles