Development of the Teacher’s Emotional Skills: The Backbone of the Teaching-Learning Process


  • Maria Teresa Signes Signes Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
  • Laura Amado Luz Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
  • Amparo Acereda Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
  • Ana López Universitat Abat Oliba CEU



Anthropology of Education, Teacher Education, Socio-Affective, Emotional Skills, Process Teaching / Learning


The proposed work aims to propose a verifiable situation in the educational reality of our academic centers. Talk about a contrast between the fact that there is a growing number of students with special educational needs in regular classrooms, teachers demanding a performance for which he has received appropriate training. Accordingly, we find children who are not cared for in a personalized and inclusive, but depend on the goodwill of the teacher; families bewildered, sometimes feel blamed, without training or support resources to deal with the situation and teachers who in most cases are overwhelmed, helpless, with low levels of personal self-efficacy, ultimately lacking devalued strategies for themselves and their environment. Therefore, we propose the development of a teacher training plan whose foundation is accompany them in their personal growth process. Specifically, we believe that some kind of emotional skills are vital and should be developed in any good teacher. Would highlight exemplary, be patient, flexible, permissive not able to restrain and redirect their emotions, consistent, inclusive, optimistic and with a sense of humor.


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How to Cite

Signes Signes, M. T., Amado Luz, L., Acereda, A., & López, A. (2014). Development of the Teacher’s Emotional Skills: The Backbone of the Teaching-Learning Process. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 2(2).



Research articles