Social Meaning of Problem Based Learning in University Students
PBL, Natural Semantic Network, Social MeaningAbstract
In recent years educational models have been changed in order to establish teaching-learning processes to set up profiles and professionalize the academic education actively. A didactic strategy is problem based learning (PBL). The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of PBL on university students’ through social meaning that it represent themselves. Method: it was used a mixed methodology. The analysis unit was social meaning about PBL, which was analyzed through the natural semantic network technique. The sample was composed by 93 psychology students of the University of Colima in three different grades (3, 5 and 7). The test used was an open question questionnaire type. The results obtained in the SAM group showed that the main defining words with highest social representativeness regarding to PBL are: research, learning, team, analysis and debate.
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