Innovative Teaching Strategies Applied to University Courses in Chemistry


  • Rafael Sirera Universidad de Navarra
  • José Ignacio Álvarez Universidad de Navarra
  • Adrián Durán Universidad de Navarra
  • José M. Fernández Universidad de Navarra
  • Gustavo González-Gaitano Universidad de Navarra
  • José Ramón Isasi Universidad de Navarra
  • Iñigo Navarro-Blasco Universidad de Navarra



Audiovisual Media, Undergraduate Students, Chemistry, Learning


Audiovisual media are nowadays appropriate tools to help illustrate the development of lectures by university professors. The 21st century students use them at ease, finding them an excellent companion to study certain subject topics. In particular, in the field of experimental sciences –as Chemistry- the advantages of using these materials are clear, both in portraying in a more visible way some abstract concepts and related phenomena and in the student's own approach to more practical aspects related to professional skills and practice upon completion of studies. This paper evaluates the results of applying the new technologies in the teaching of chemistry to undergraduate students of the University of Navarra. It also aims to target examples of the professional day to day activity of a Chemist and provide sound theoretical background as well as practical approaches to problem-solving tasks in any areas of Chemistry.


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How to Cite

Sirera, R., Álvarez, J. I., Durán, A., Fernández, J. M., González-Gaitano, G., Isasi, J. R., & Navarro-Blasco, I. (2014). Innovative Teaching Strategies Applied to University Courses in Chemistry. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 2(1).



Research articles