Classrooms for Life or Lives that Build New Classrooms


  • Daniel Alberto Farina Institutos Santa Cecilia y Santa Lucía. Obispado de Quimes



Environment, Connection, Solidarity, Tools, Möbious


Boasso teaches that Man is a spiritual being in Tension, Situation and Relation. The “School Environment”: the invisible architecture that is the framework for the “small” personal structures to become a construction of intersubjectivities, is worth analysing from the perspective of its complexity and the verification of a series of analytical categories such as: the joint construction of environments, tools and assistances for mediated action, alienation in the school environment, the webs of personal connections, and so forth. The first ones, fundamentally, forms the guidelines of this paper which seeks to investigate the construction of the environments in which we perform our sometimes spoiled task, and also the power held by these valid tools in these new times. Classrooms that repeatedly become Babels and we need to rebuild as new Agoras, where differences in ideologies, perspectives, expressions and generations do not separate us.


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How to Cite

Farina, D. A. (2014). Classrooms for Life or Lives that Build New Classrooms. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 2(1).



Research articles