Education Reform in Mexico, Did Respond to the Lack of Training of Readers? Case Study in Elementary School Real del Río 2011-2012 School Year
Reading Comprehension, Strategies and Socioeconomic StatusAbstract
Reading comprehension is a fundamental tool for the development of skills and competencies in basic education of students who use throughout their school life. It has been shown that Mexico is in a crisis in the education of readers, in this article we investigated a group of first grade in Mexicali Baja California, who worked with the basic education reform that was implemented in 2009 in the country, which excludes any method of reading and writing in their programs, case to prove that this is wrong for the current socio-economic situation of the region in this case the work was complemented with the overall method of structural analysis. They were given a measuring instrument established by the Ministry of Education together with an analysis in IBM SPSS Statistics scientific software version 20, obtaining 948 of Cronbach's alpha reliability.
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