Cognitive Intervention and Physical-Self Concept


  • Inge Axpe Universidad del País Vasco
  • Lorena Revuelta Universidad del País Vasco



Self-Concept, Physical-Self-Concept, Intervention, Education, Cognitive Programme


Physical self-concept has shown its relation with several factors implied in both the physical and psychological well being. This has lead to the research about the possibility of its enhancement, which has surprisingly not being considered from a cognitive perspective, in spite of the implications of the cognitive factors in the personal selfperception. This work describes the design of a cognitive programme aimed to the enhancement of the physical selfconcept, explaining both its conceptual basis and structure, in order to improve the self-perception of the participants.


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How to Cite

Axpe, I., & Revuelta, L. (2013). Cognitive Intervention and Physical-Self Concept. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 1(3).



Research articles