Attitudinal Scale in Adults Face of New Communication Technologies
ITC, Attitudes, Technology, Adults, Technological AlphabetizationAbstract
At the present time, technology is part of everyday life for people of all ages around the world. Persons who use it, face different situations in their attempt to utilize these new tools, like ignorance, fear, lack of access to the media and exclusion due to their inability to use such technologies. To shorten the current generation gap, a workshop in order to bring adults excluded from use new technologies and technological literacy skills was conducted. To measure its impact and taking into account that it is important to measure the attitudes that participants have about using ICT, the purpose of this investigation was to validate a scale of attitudes towards ICT. For this aim, the above scale was answered by group of 61 adults aged between 22 and 76 years, with a mean of 52.6 (13.99), the results showed that the psychometric properties of the instrument were adequate. Also, exploratory factor analysis yields two factors, which were called accepting attitudes to ICT and availability for using ICT. Therefore, it is recommended that the scale can be used in future studies to measure attitudes towards TICS in general population.
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