Design for Learning Activities in a Specialised Language with Opensim


  • Paloma Garrido Íñigo Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Virtual Worlds, French for Specific Purposes, Self-identity


The use of virtual platforms in foreign language teaching has experienced a boost in recent years, although little has been said about its usefulness as an educational tool. This paper presents the experience gained with third-year students of Tourism in the learning of French for Specific Purposes, through the use of OpenSim. The teaching prototype, which is part of the Abant Project (Analysis of avatar behaviour based on knowledge integration, Ministry of Science and Innovation, TIN2010- 19872/TSI), aims to reinforce the French vocabulary and syntactic structures typically found in airportrelated conversations. I will elaborate on the teaching strategies used for individual and collaborative learning and I will address the advantages of using virtual worlds, the great asset being the student projecting themselves in an avatar and their self-perception, as well as its many disadvantages, from technical issues (e. g. significant investment of time in construction and development of the sim) to didactic aspects (e. g. the student perceives the world primarily as a social network). Teachers are confronted with a new form of teaching which they sense to be useful, but they need to succeed in making the conception of the process of language acquisition both adapt to and go beyond the limitations imposed by platforms.

Author Biography

Paloma Garrido Íñigo, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Profesora de Lengua Francesa en la Facultad de Ciencias del Turismo de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en tres áreas: tratamiento automático de la información textual del Español; desarrollo y aplicación de los mundos virtuales a la enseñanza de lenguas; creación de diccionarios informatizados de lenguas de especialidad. Ha participado en numerosos proyectos financiados nacionales y europeos. Es miembro de los grupos de investigación LALINGAP (UCM), LALI (UAB) y VIRTUAM (UAM). Desde hace varios años, participa en el desarrollo de Spanish Framenet y actualmente colabora en la implementación de OpenSim en la enseñanza del francés de especialidad.


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How to Cite

Garrido Íñigo, P. (2012). Design for Learning Activities in a Specialised Language with Opensim. SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 1(1).



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