Social Inequalities and Perceptions around the Quality of Life
Quality of Life, Social Inequality, Human Needs, Human DevelopmentAbstract
Material development does not operate as cause and effect in the perception of the quality of life of people and their sense of satisfaction, often settling like a paradox. Advances in social subjects contribute to realize their potential in search of the ultimate end of man, "his self". However, despite the favorable environment in the global, there are certain paradoxical tensions in this new context, focusing on the dynamics of social appropriation of the subject, moving between abundance and lack, freedom of action and risk, enjoyment and suffering, among many others. It seeks to explain the phenomenon of perception of quality of life and social inequalities associated with a plane that transcends the mere satisfaction of basic needs and their materiality, but also is linked to the relationship between demands and satisfaction or frustration of the deepest desires of the human being. Below is an approximation of the perceived quality of life from the particularity of three unequal populations together (according to measurements and objective indicators), from an ongoing investigation, where the first results allow us to approach the understanding of the relationship between: social inequality and quality of life.
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