Construction of the Sense of Reality in the Child From the Playful Character at the Point of Inter-Relationship With the Object
Understanding of the Sense of Reality, Cognitive Representations, Yoica Identity, Game, Intersubjective Relationship Child-ObjectsAbstract
From different theoretical perspectives, primarily from cognitive-developmental psychology and systemicfunctionalist currents, the infant stage has been regarded as one of the most characteristic manifestations of human life, where the game is considered fundamental, and it supports the possibilities of constructing senses of reality in the child. Both the processes of representing the world as socialization models are patented in the game at this stage, which are combined with the signed interaction between the child and objects, giving rise to symbolic thought and the formation of identity processes. The child, through the game, gets closer to the pleasure and enjoyment of free time, to the suspension of social determinism which is already confined and to the freedom of choice of its being possible.
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