The Miscegenation as Category Socio-Anthropological Founding in the Identity of America: The “Another Mestizo” of Latin America


  • Daniel Armando Lopez Fundación Saltamérica



America, Identity, Miscegenation


In this article we intend to redefine what miscegenation represents as a global, all-embracing phenomenon in Latin America, due to the importance of its current historical consequences. We attempt to understand this crucial fact within the Latin American identity. Miscegenation is not regarded as a minor category, neither as a mere temporary sociocultural stage. This process of fusion, hybridization and gathering (referred to as “the mestizo”) involves us totally. Such course of action has been developing since the colonial period, as a result of independence wars, following the establishment of nation states, mainly concerning the conservative liberal governments of the 19th and 20th centuries. Currently, this is perceived in the globalization processes which we are going through, along with their social, cultural, economic, political, and even epistemic consequences.

Author Biography

Daniel Armando Lopez, Fundación Saltamérica

Licenciado en Ciencias Antropológicas (Univ. de Buenos Aires, 1974). Profesor universitario jubilado. Presidente de la Fundación Saltamérica. Objeto de la Institución: Investigación, capacitación y participación en políticas públicas como así también en políticas publicas no gubernamentales en relación a la integración , desarrollo y mejoramiento comunitario.


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How to Cite

Lopez, D. A. (2016). The Miscegenation as Category Socio-Anthropological Founding in the Identity of America: The “Another Mestizo” of Latin America. SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 5(2), 289–300.



Research articles