The relationship between Wolfgang Klafki’s bildungstheoretische didaktik and the social studies of science


  • Helbert Velilla Jiménez Universidad de Antioquia



Klafki, Strong programme, Bildung, Teaching sciences, Didactic


This paper analyzes the Wolfgang Klafki’s bildungstheoretische didaktik, and it’s role in the didactics of sciences. The problem is that a) the contents selected by professors for teaching science are disjointed from the historical, social and cultural contexts where knowledge is produced, and b) these contents have been chosen without taking into account its importance for the Bildung of a human being. My thesis is that Strong Programme should be included for research in didactics of sciences only if it responds to formative (Bildung) questions.


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How to Cite

Velilla Jiménez, H. (2018). The relationship between Wolfgang Klafki’s bildungstheoretische didaktik and the social studies of science. SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 7(1).



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