The Question of the Refugee in Brazil and the Politics of Attendance
Refugees, Legal order, Social ServiceAbstract
The phenomenon of migration is growing worldwide. In Brazil, from the 2000s, the protection requests to the country had several motivations. The debate extends as it is one of the main places of refuge in Latin America. Although pioneering the drafting of an exclusive refugee law (Law No. 9,474 of July 22, 1997), other issues underlie the situation, not only with respect to the economic scenario, but also the social assistance.The service to this group is divided into three phases: protection, assistance and integration that have been fulfilled by third sector entities and religious institutions. Effective care requires the state to review its reception and insertion policies for this public. Through this study, it was noticeable the philanthropy of the Brazilian discourse, which does not guarantee refugees full access to the fundamental guidelines of human rights nor those guaranteed by international agreements validated by Brazilian law.
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