Heading to the Methodology of the 20 Cultural Barriers in Communication and 5 Dimmensions of Creativity (20BCC-5DCR)

Reflections on media and information literacy (MAI)


  • Felipe Chibás Ortiz




UNESCO, MIL Cities, Cultural barriers, Creativity, Methodology, Media and Information Literacy


The main objective of this work is to show the bases for the development of a methodology that allows evaluating the communication barriers and the creative potential of individuals, groups, organizations, university and corporate campuses, neighborhoods and cities. The relationship of the approach known as Media and Information Literacy (MAI) defended by UNESCO with the concepts of Cultural Barriers in Communication and Creativity is shown. It is a first approach, seeking to reflect on methodological procedures that allow evaluating cultural barriers in communication and dimensions of creativity with purposes, such as contributing to reducing obstacles to innovation and use of new technologies, as well as building sustainable, ethical urban spaces. and humans. The Methodology of the 20 Cultural Barriers in Communication and 5 Dimensions of Creativity (20CBC-5DCR) is one of the instruments that can be used to evaluate the MIL Cities (Media and Information Literacy Cities), launched by UNESCO 2018.


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How to Cite

Chibás Ortiz, F. (2024). Heading to the Methodology of the 20 Cultural Barriers in Communication and 5 Dimmensions of Creativity (20BCC-5DCR): Reflections on media and information literacy (MAI). SOCIAL REVIEW. International Social Sciences Review Revista Internacional De Ciencias Sociales, 12(1), 41–52. https://doi.org/10.62701/revsocial.v12.5176



Research articles