A Gender Perspective: a Intersubjectivity, Embodied Consciousness and Corporeality
Gender, Embodied Consciousness, CorporealityAbstract
This essay is part of a reflection whose purpose is to discuss and clarify some points and tensions around gender issues from the perspective of embodied consciousness, corporeality and temporality. The texts to be discussed for this purpose are the authors Edgar Morin: Introduction to Complex Thought (1994) and The Mind Sorted Bien (2001); Jacques Luc Nancy, Community DOA (2000) and Merleau-Ponty (1975) Phenomenology of Perception, authors who have allowed a glimpse of new theoretical contributions to gender. The challenge arises from the Philosophical Anthropology is trying to understand the “human phenomenon”, from a metaphysical perspective, according to this conception, the human being is the result of what he does to himself in his relationship with nature. To start this reflection, it is necessary to recognize that it arises from the Phenomenology, which is also considered a philosophy for which the world is always “already there” before reflection as an inalienable presence and allows to account for the space, time and "lived" world. Hurssel the theorist who founded this movement says: I'm not the result or crosslinking of the many coincidences that determine my body or my “psyche” but rather, all I know the world, I know from a prospect or mine experience the world without which the symbols of science would not want to say anything. (Husserl, 1913, p. 369-370)
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