Recommendation of Innovative Strategies to Increase Competitiveness and Quality in Most Relevant Sectors of the NAFTA
Competitiveness, Quality, Recommendations, NAFTAAbstract
The Treaty of free trade agreement (NAFTA). After 20 years of its entry into force, to start its term was believed that the agreement would be a stage of economic growth, increased employment and increase the purchasing power of the wage for Mexico but the situation was not so. Mexico has experienced a low rate of growth, in 2009 was the country in the Western hemisphere with greater recoil in GDP and in the years 2013-2014 the country fell two positions in the Global competitiveness index passing place 53 to 55 because of a low score of 4.36 to 4.34. What was it that happened? Why it failed these expectations? What were the factors affecting to have these results? Where the lack of competitiveness and quality were determining factors for increasing their exports? After analyzing the NAFTA strategies are recommended to improve competitiveness significantly, making joint actions in the subjects of business, sustainability, intellectual capacity and production processes, promoting competitiveness, connectivity, productivity and innovation in companies that are involved in NAFTA to increase the benefits achieved.
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