Pedagogical Practice: an Experience Based on Research Action Perspective
Qualitative Methodology, Social Sciences, Teaching, Learning, Research ActionAbstract
This research is based on qualitative methodology perspective of research action. The epistemology is found upon a social-historical approach; it is related to social sciences, also called “human sciences”, because it includes the study of man, its nature, development, relationships, cognitive and creative potential, affective interactions, values, beliefs and feelings. The aim of the research was to transform pedagogical practices of mathematic teachers at the elementary school “Rosario Almarza” at Trujillo State-Venezuela. The study reflects on teachers´ classroom activities and how they perform them. The information was gathered through field notes, interviews, written artifacts, photos and audio/video recordings. Data analysis was done through “source triangulation technique”. This study generated positive results so teachers could improve their pedagogical practices, and act as meaningful learning mediators; also offered a constructivist strategies manual as handout and orientation. The research offered students the opportunity to build learning from cooperative work.
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