Social and disciplinary demands to university learning for the XXI century. Representation from knowledge engineering point of view


  • Juan Ramón Molina Martínez Universidad de Córdoba
  • Miguel Ángel Herrera Machuca Universidad de Córdoba
  • Francisco Rodríguez y Silva Universidad de Córdoba



Practical learning, Employability, Training programs, Internationalisation, Sand Table


Socioeconomic changes have been noticing in all society sectors affecting university education and the possibility to escape from them is rare. At the beginning of the 21st century, formation researchers have questioned the gap development between education and job, showing competencies weakness. We perform an example of strategic planning with two specific objectives: graduate and post-graduate teaching improvement and critical knowledge development. Under these objectives, professors who are the responsible of the one most important professional opportunity from environmental engineering, have developed a set of activities and initiatives.

Author Biographies

Juan Ramón Molina Martínez, Universidad de Córdoba

Profesor Sustituto Interino. Departamento Ingeniería Forestal

Miguel Ángel Herrera Machuca, Universidad de Córdoba

Profesor Titular. Departamento Ingeniería Forestal

Francisco Rodríguez y Silva, Universidad de Córdoba

Profesor Titular. Departamento Ingeniería Forestal


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How to Cite

Molina Martínez, J. R., Herrera Machuca, M. Ángel, & Rodríguez y Silva, F. (2018). Social and disciplinary demands to university learning for the XXI century. Representation from knowledge engineering point of view. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 6(1), 27–34.



Research articles