Communication Analysis of the Music Interface Between Playlist and YouTube

Advertising and Discursive Interactions of the Country Singer




Media knowledge, Fans in social media, Discursive interface, Music and business, Business platforms, Playlists and YouTube


This study is the result of the PROLIC Study Group that seeks to verify the media influences on the digital market from Brazilian country music. Understanding how artists use new technologies to promote their work and market their images, in this way, we start from the concept that PP uses the interface between playlists, YouTube, and entertainment as a media strategy. Involves educational learning for the area of Social Communication in this specific communicational interrelationship of the media, the PROLIC team makes a visual and relational reading around the interfaces and how the advertising discourses generate meanings in social media.

Author Biographies

Eliane M. Soares Raslan, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG

PhD in social communication. Professor and researcher at UEMG. Interdisciplinary editor of Social Communication Fandom since 2019. Editor of the magazine Legenda comics and artistic magazine Fansing (2012-2017). Publishing, Photographs, comics, illustration from semiotics and discourse analysis. Leader of the PROLIM RESEARCH GROUP - Media Image Processes and Languages linked to the CEPEMOM Center of UEMG, Divinópolis Unit.

Rafael Leite de Souza, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG

Advertising for UEMG. PROLIC Study Group - Processes of Images of Everyday Languages.


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How to Cite

M. Soares Raslan, E. ., & Leite de Souza, R. . (2022). Communication Analysis of the Music Interface Between Playlist and YouTube: Advertising and Discursive Interactions of the Country Singer. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 10(4), 299–315.



Research articles