One Feature of the Digital Divide in College: Institutionalized Practices in the Use of ICT


  • Lilián Salado Rodríguez Universidad Estatal de Sonora
  • Erika P. Alvarez Flores Universidad Estatal de Sonora



Digital Divide, Higher Education, Institutionalized Practices


The continuing evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) and their incorporation in various social areas has triggered a series of consequences, they have fundamentally changed the way we live, learn and work. However, regular use of technologies in various areas of life is ensuring that productive use of ICT is reached so that it achieves its greatest potential in the process of teaching and learning. Digital gaps currently exist in higher education institutions, marked by the way they are implemented and used a number of structural elements and patterns of social behavior that there are conceived. In this particular research is shown how informal practices are institutionalized in organizations such as the case of universities and come to have greater influence in the behave of the main actors of the learning process, directly impacting the quality and access to higher education. A hypothesis that is verified by quantitative and qualitative methods arises. The reflections contribute to the debate on digital divide in higher education.


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How to Cite

Salado Rodríguez, L., & Alvarez Flores, E. P. (2016). One Feature of the Digital Divide in College: Institutionalized Practices in the Use of ICT. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 4(1).



Research articles