Learning Organizations as a Key Factor to Improve the Quality of Education: A Descriptive-Correlational Study on Schools of Excellence in Quality of Education in Santiago, Metropolitan Region, Chile


  • Ismael Montecino Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez




Learning Organizations, Learning Schools, Organizational Learning, Quality of Education, Educational Improvement


The following study conducted between 2010 and 2011 whose main objective is to study the relationship of each of the five disciplines raised by Peter Senge in schools with high academic achievement sustained over time and with a quality management system of the Metropolitan Region, Santiago, Chile, for this we have chosen a descriptive-correlational design. Initially, to select the intervened schools, it was considered their good quality of education as well as a high quality educational management; subsequently the relevant instruments were designed for the collection of data and their analysis. Once having made a careful analysis and correlation of these results allowed us to endorse that schools with excellence in the quality of education within its organizational structure evidential relationship exists between each of the disciplines of Peter Senge, which allows us to confirm the influence of the theory of learning organizations with the improvement of school management processes.


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How to Cite

Montecino, I. (2015). Learning Organizations as a Key Factor to Improve the Quality of Education: A Descriptive-Correlational Study on Schools of Excellence in Quality of Education in Santiago, Metropolitan Region, Chile. EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review Revista Internacional De Educación Y Aprendizaje, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.37467/gka-revedu.v3.589



Research articles