The Development of Creativity Through the Invention of Mathematical Problems. A Study with Secondary School Students
Creativity, Invention of Mathematical Problem, Reconstruction of Mathematical Problems, Compulsory Secondary Education, Teaching of MathematicsAbstract
In this paper we present the results of a research carried out with students of 1st grade of Compulsory Secondary Education in which we study if the use of tasks that involve the invention and reconstruction of mathematical problems develops their creativity. The study sample was made up of 104 students of a public secondary school. The design of the research was quasi-experimental comparative with two experimental groups and two control groups. The selection of students and groups was aleatory. It is accentuated the characteristic prestest-postest in the design because pupils belonged to two states of control. The instrument used to measure creativity was the test CREA. The results obtained show that if invention and reconstruction of mathematical problems is used with students of 1st grade of Compulsory Secondary Education, then their creativity develops.
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